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Crowns and Bridges

Best Crowns and Bridges Clinic Near KPHB

Crowns and Bridges

A crown is a tooth-shaped cap that acts as a functional solution for restoring a tooth. They provide strength, shape, and a natural look to the damaged tooth. Armed with expertise and vast experience, the dentists at ARCUS offer the best dental crown treatment in kphb.

Need for a Crown?

Dental crowns are often used as caps on missing or root canal-treated teeth to protect their sturdiness. They are also needed to:

A qualified dentist at ARCUS can explain the procedure, answer all your queries, and give you the best dental crown treatment in kphb.


When a tooth is lost, neighbouring teeth are affected, which can accelerate gum disease in the future. Bridges are the perfect solution for tooth replacement. It restores your bite and the shape of your face. They are constructed between dental crowns that use the natural teeth as anchors to adhere to the bone. Bridges are made of different materials, including gold, alloy, or porcelain.

Types of Bridges

Benefits of Dental Bridge Treatment at Arcus?

Dental experts at ARCUS offer the most suitable option after carefully evaluating your teeth. Crowns and bridges are custom-made to blend with your natural teeth. We offer high-quality dental bridge solutions to restore your smile. Visit ARCUS Dental Crown and Bridge Clinic in kphb and talk to our dentist about your options.

Our Services

Opening Hours

Monday to Saturday 10:30 AM - 9:00 PM
Sunday 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM

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